August 6, 2018


Brent Hardy

     All of us have goals, but some of us have goals that we have put off for years. These goals are typically “weight loss” or “pursuing a dream.” We tell people a goal just to say we have a goal. This goal turns out to send negative thoughts in our minds cause we know we will never do anything about it. We typically tend to be hard on ourselves if we do not act on a goal. Then we allow that mindset to define us, which is false. The good news is you can start it TODAY. It is never too late to begin again. Life is about action. A firm belief in yourself and in the Lord will drive you to action. That is why it is important to set realistic goals. A goal you know you will move forward to achieve on. This can be anything such as learning to cook, gardening, home improvement, raising animals, and reading/writing books. If we shift our mindset to goals we will work on especially if we know that goal is Gods will for us. We will immediately feel a jolt of joy, excitement, and enthusiasm, which the Lord wants us to have.

      To be someone you never been before. You have to do things you never done before. We can take steps toward this new person through goal setting using the S.M.A.R.T principle. The key word is Realistic. You have to analyze and be true to yourself. With this goal you have to ask, will I commit everything to it? Will I sacrifice  my time? Will I be able to do what I have never done before? Anything is achievable especially in Jesus name! Ask yourself these questions when you are seeking a goal. Another thought, there is no need to feel pressured to do anything unless you feel called to do so.

Specific- how detailed can you make it?

Measurable- how can I find a way to measure it everyday?

Attainable- are you willing to go after it regardless of how I feel?

Realistic- Is it far fetched or feasible?

Timely- will it happen sooner or later? (create a sense of urgency)

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12 NLT

      Have hope in your dreams and goals. Put it in God's hands. Lastly and mainly pray over your goal. If it’s meant to be it will happen especially if it's God's will for your life! Personally, I know His will is for us to be healthy as possible (physically, mentally, and spiritually). Also, Keep your goals in sight. Write them on a post-it note and have a cue word that will help you keep the goal fresh daily. You can also have your goal pictured on your phone, computer, and written on a piece of paper. The more you see it and write it. The more it will come naturally to do. Remember to be S.M.A.R.T

  • Keep the goal in sight (bathroom, bedroom, refrigerator, etc)
  • Have a cue word
  • Keep it Realistic and Believe in it


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