August 6, 2018

Purpose is a Journey

Brent Hardy

     The definition of purpose is “one’s intention.” Purpose is like getting into a car. Turn the ignition on and know exactly where you are going. The destination awaits. Sometimes we get in the car and know the destination or have an idea, but we have no clue what the roads will be like. No idea how bad traffic will be or a potential accident occurs. All we know is we have an intent to get in and go. Have you ever gotten into a car and had no idea where you wanted to go? Usually, I get into the car for errands, adventures, or any food related trip. There have been times when I got in the car. Started to drive and realized I had no idea why I got in the first place. We get lost or just confused.

     The main issue with getting into a car and not knowing where you are going leads to hesitation. We hesitate and go through the motions. While, a person who knows where they are going will not hesitate and will shoot for the gap at the proper time. That’s why it is important to have a purpose everyday. It fuels you to keep on living and striving. Embrace the journey when you get in the car. It might take longer than expected. You might even have people asked “are we there yet?!” Tell them to be patient. Get in the car, anticipate, and enjoy the journey.

     There will be times you are at a standstill similar to a red light. Just wait. Be patient. There is no rush. As long as you are on the right course and know the destination. It will come. Questions is what is your purpose? What is your daily mission? Our purpose will not be shown over night. We have to seek guidance and discernment. Ask God for guidance and to help you realize your true purpose. 

For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires Hebrews 4:12 NLT
  •    No purpose leads to hesitation    
  •    Your purpose is a life journey    

Action Step to develop a purpose:

  1.    What are you passionate and care about?    
  2.    What values drive you to action? (such as integrity, courage, etc)    
  3.    Write down your purpose and read it daily to focus.    


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Our purpose is to be purposeful everyday. If you do not have a purpose. Find what inspires you and above all ask God.

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