August 6, 2018

World's Gym

Brent Hardy

      “Adventure is out there” is such a simple and inspiring quote from Pixar movie Up. We can easily find adventure in our lives and expose ourselves to the outdoors more frequently. I had to transition to more outdoor training when I was attending Auburn University. I lived on Lake Martin during that time and the closest gym was over an hour away. There, I was surrounded by water, hills, and had my kettlebell. I took advantage of my time there to train outdoors. I learned training outdoors can be a huge asset to your gym time. I have been training in gyms for years and continue to do so. Gyms are great place to get strong and build foundational strength, but we do not have to be limited to a gym.

     As humans, we tend to limit ourselves to a box mindset. In this case, the gym is a physical box we tend to think is the only place to train. The world you are in can also be a gym to be utilized. You can run on the beach, walk outdoors, jog hills, hike trails, and perform any water activity. Being outside in the fresh air and the sun brings healing to our body, mind, and spirit. You will start to feel like a kid again during recess in elementary school. It gets you that energy boost. Even when you go on vacation you can see it as an opportunity to train anywhere outdoors. Go for sunrise and sunset jogs around the area to. Get outside and train in the world God placed you in.

Life is not always a problem to be solved, but an adventure to be lived.- Wild at Heart

     Consider living a life of adventure and think outside the box by literally being outside. Below are simple outdoor training ideas to get you seeing outside the box. Pensacola is loaded with areas to train outdoors such as: the beach, sandhill, downtown, trails, the gulf, and bay. See the outdoors as an opportunity to be active plus see the sights.

  •    See outside the Box (the gym box)     
  •    Outdoor training can augment gym training    

Here are some examples of outdoor training: Set a timer for 10-20 min then rest as needed.

  1. Hill sprints (10 push-ups at the bottom with 1 sprint x10-15 min) 
  2. Trail running (every quarter mile stop and perform 10-15 reps of squats) 
  3. Park open field (perform a dynamic warm-up and three rounds of suicides) 
  4. Park (perform 5-10 pull-ups, park bench push-ups 10-15 reps, and monkey bars x10-15min) 
  5. Walk in your neighbor hood for 10-20 min (bring your pet with you)


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Training outdoors can provide a lot of benefits from the sights, air, and feeling of freedom. Challenge yourself to get outdoors more frequently.

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